I had the greatest pleasure in my 14 year entrepreneur journey to sit down and interview Gary Vaynerchuk at Vayner Media in Los Angeles where we addressed what is not working in mompreneurship and so much more.
I’m seriously still not dying from it!! The full podcast episode has more details for the tiny percentage of you mamas unfamiliar with him.
Here are your take aways, mamas:
Make HAPPINESS your priority.
Don’t allow other people’s opinions to prevent you from taking action or stepping into your goals and happiness.
Don’t parent your child from your insecurity.
Forget about keeping up with your neighbors and mommy friends.
Need cash? FLIP. Find items in your garage or in thrift stores and put it on Facebook marketplace.
If you are going to create a sales funnel, don’t do it to manipulate people or for false promises.
Listening to Gary is not the same as taking action in your life.
AND SO MUCH MORE!!! I asked him, "Do you buy your daughter American Girl Doll" for instance, and you'll be interested in his point of view with how wealth plays into his parenting.’
Here are Gary Vaynerchuks points of views from his articles and videos on parenting—- get ready to here his truth
1) The truth about parenting no one is talking about
2) Parenting for Success for Kid Entrepreneurs
Many of you have been DM’ing me and asked how I got him to be on my podcast. The first time I met him, I just thanked him perfusely for all the he has taught me from his books and his Audio Experience podcast that I binge on daily while driving the kids in my minivan and working part time as a photographer who left her steady paycheck once I became a mom (#momlife). The 2nd time I met him, I told him (more like BLURTED OUT LIKE A FOOL) that I am about to start a podcast because of him. If you binge on Gary V, you know that he says again and again, that the next big thing will be VOICE. And I wanted to reach my busy mamas, so I started. I fricken started inside my toddler’s tent where it was the quietest in the house. No equipment, just my Macbook. Self taught to produce it using Audacity free software.
I emailed him after many times to tell him when it launched and asked would he be a guest. I didn’t hear back for a while, but I was on a mission. I even emailed him a 10 minute video talking to him about why I believe that his messaging would penetrate our community and I asked for 10 minutes of his time even if it was 2 years from now—- and then he emailed me these 2 letters.
“In” and then I’m deaaaaadddd you guys.
From there it was another few weeks with his team to set up the interview and I got to come to Vayner Media in Los Angeles. Not having any equipment for this interview, I reached out to fellow mompreneur Patricia Kelikani (multi- Emmy winner!) for her advice for audio and she was available to come tape it for me with less than 24 hour notice!!
Special thanks to Kelikani Films (fellow mompreneur and EMMY winning filmmaker) for being there with me, video to follow!
The moral of the story—- Gary supports all of us who take action and if you listen to his philosophy on happiness, self-awareness, taking action, not caring what people say, leaning into your strengths, you will win.
Taking action is the key to unlock everything in your life, mama!!!!
Let’s continue our momentum in our community. Here are some tools for you on mindset and let’s talk about your dream business! And course, thanks to Gary, I’m no on twitter now.