SAFETY TALK for Parents about Tricky People
We all want to keep our kids safe and having a conversation about people who may harm our children is truly important.
It was a pleasure to speak with Pattie Fitzgerald of Safely Ever After. Pattie is based in Los Angeles and speaks to preschools and offers programs to both parent groups and to children directly on this topic. If you are uncomfortable with this topic, you can refer to the books she has written (see below) and her resources.
Thumbs up and thumbs down rules
Who is allowed to touch your body
Checklist for playdates and sleep overs (or sleep “unders”)
What to tell your child when they are separated from you
6min 50 secs- Tune in at that time with your kids where Pattie talks to get to the part where she will be speaking to your child about “tricky people.”
19min 50 secs - Pattie talks about the pecking order of what to tell you child when they get separated from you.
23 minutes - making a song out of your phone number for your child to memorize it followed by her thoughts on backpack leashes for amusement parks.
36 minutes- when happens when your child has access to the internet
39 min 44 seconds- the danger of Musicly
Pattie’s Favorite resources:
1) For internet safety: Common Sense Media
2) Darkness to Light-A site for parent strategies and tips to end sexual abuse
3) Safely ever after - resources on how predators think, super 10 safety rules
4) Gavin Debecker - Security expert: The Gift of Fear, Protecting the Gift. Listening to your instincts
Pattie’s personal email:
No Trespassing, This is my body that you can read wtih them
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