Episode 5: Try this Morning Mindset! Stop Crashing at 5pm
if you wake up and are already struggling, there is a good chance your approach to the day could use some new perspective. We’ve talked about a gratitude practice in episode 3 and now here is an explanation of what else you can add to your morning. It takes 10 minutes mamas! Give it a try!
And remember, you can always join our fire tribe which is happening weekly on Thursdays 10am-11am PST. Join mamas across the country that have decided to take their goals and put them into action.
Your goals that have been collecting dust will get uncovered!
You’ll have the time for you to be strategic about taking action and a plan to do so.
You are not a bad mom for pursuing personal or professional goals that are important to you, how would that feel?
Set up a call with me if you have any questions about it!