When you share your story, funny things happen


What is the worst thing that can happen when you share your story when it isn’t all feel good stuff like pupp dogs and rainbows?

It is healing.

It is therapeutic.

It allows another person who has struggled similarly, to not feel alone.

It makes you human.

It gives people the context of you and where you are in this season of your life.

2019 was a year of story telling for many of us, and I am so proud to see you mamas embrace that live video function on IG (thanks for partaking in that challenge!) and getting over the fear. Fear of what you ask?

There’s the fear of rejection.

There’s the fear of “will anyone care?”

There’s the fear of “will anyone listen?”

I am tremendously grateful that Elisha Beach of The Mom Forum has a show that is candid and provides the space to share our not-so-pretty stories of motherhood. She asked me to be on her podcast and it aired and I am mortified that I haven’t shared this with you since it has been out a few weeks ago and I was in the middle of the holiday hustle.

Elisha— thank you so much for giving me space to share my story. It becomes less lonely whenever I can share how the dark became light.

Get to know Elisha mamas! Here is a photo of hers that went viral, and it encompasses motherhood! Elisha is a mama to EIGHT kids. Birth mom to 3, adopted mom to 1, and step mama to 4. I know you will love her as I do.

She can be found here on IG and her website and her podcast on iTunes!

She can be found here on IG and her website and her podcast on iTunes!

We first met at Mom 2 Summit in Pasadena via our mutual friend Carly Anderson almost 3 years ago. I have been fortunate enough to have her as my photography client and have gotten to know see this mama in action taking care of her family. COOL AS A CUCUMBER!

photos above by me!

2020 is the year we can take off the mask that we sometimes wear (I’m guilty of this too) and put it away. No masks this year, mama!